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Spring Break 2010 создатель Mind Map: Spring Break 2010

1. March 16, 2012

1.1. My cousin came to my house for a while then went to our other cousins house.

1.2. Stayed home mostly all night on my ipod playing games and on the internet.

2. March 17, 2012

2.1. Had practice for my sisters Quince.

2.2. Went home and went to sleep at mid-night.

3. March 18, 2012

3.1. Went to my friends house and watched Armored

3.2. Spent the night playing Halo ODST untill 3

4. March 19, 2012

4.1. Watched Ninja Assassin on my ipod.

4.2. Went to my grandma's house and caught up with my cousin Lee who came from Dallas for springbreak.

4.3. Went to H-E-B and bought some stuff for my sisters quince.

4.4. Went home and went to sleep early.

5. March 20, 2010

5.1. Got ready to go to church for the beginning of the quince.

5.2. Went home at 3 so that we can go in a limo downtown to take pictures.

5.3. Went to the ballroom where the party was then ate.

5.4. Cousin gave me somePaintball Equipment as a gift since he hasn't been here for 24 years.

5.5. Stayed at the ballroom untill min-night then went back to my house for an after party.

5.6. Went to bed at 2 in the morning.

6. March 21, 2010

6.1. Stayed home mostly all day

7. March 22, 2010

7.1. Went to school.

7.2. After school stayed for track practice.

7.3. Went home to try out my paintball gun.

7.4. Had to pop some paintballs that got stuck in the gun then clean it.

7.5. Watched t.v. then went to sleep.

8. March 12, 2012

8.1. Went to a Nortre Dame Baseball game after 6th period.

8.2. When to Peter Piper Pizza after the game.

9. March 13, 2012

9.1. Helped my friend and dad plant flowers in there yard.

9.2. Spent the night at his house and played army of two 40th day and watched t.v.

10. March 14, 2012

10.1. Stayed at my friends house untill 9 then got picked and went home

10.2. Stayed up untill 4 in the morning listining to my ipod.

11. March 15, 2012

11.1. Stayed at home until 4 in the afternoon untill I got picked up by my cousin.

11.2. Watched alot of movies untill we got tired.

12. All This Is CopyRight Protected! DO NOT USE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!