Platonic and Aristotelian Influence in Medieval Philosophy

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Platonic and Aristotelian Influence in Medieval Philosophy por Mind Map: Platonic and Aristotelian Influence in Medieval Philosophy

1. Aristotle

1.1. Universals: Immanent in particulars. He is between the nominalist and the realist position, having no real classification. Not quite a nominalist.

1.1.1. William of Ockham

1.1.2. St. Thomas Aquinas

1.1.3. Peter Abelard

2. Plato

2.1. Universals: Extreme Realism: Universals exist in a separate realm.

2.1.1. St. Augustine

2.1.2. John Scotus Erigena

2.1.3. St. Anselm

2.1.4. Advantages: Doctine of original sin is intelligible. Doctrine of the Trinity may require Realism.

2.1.5. Disadvantages: May lead to pantheism, as J.S. Erigena was accused.

3. Boethius

4. Faith and Reason

4.1. Knowledge through Faith

4.2. Knowledge through Reason (Naturalism)

4.3. Knowledge through Both (Natural Theology)