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Holidays by Mind Map: Holidays

1. Father's Day

1.1. It is like Mother's Day but we thank our fathers. Not everyone has a father so not everyone celebrates it.

1.2. June 21st

2. Memorial Day

2.1. Last Monday in May

2.2. Remember those who fought, and to give thanks to those who are still fighting

3. Labor Day

3.1. First Monday of September

3.2. A break for the farmers. End of harvest.

4. Christmas

4.1. Christmas is a religious holiday.

4.2. December 25th

5. Easter

5.1. It is another religious holiday.

5.2. It is always on a Sunday and it is the first Sunday after a full moon

6. Thanksgiving

6.1. Giving thanks to everyone

6.2. The forth Thursday on November

7. Halloween

7.1. A day to get free candy! trick or treating is dressing up and walking door to door

7.2. October 31st

8. President's Day

8.1. A day we don't have school. Also George Washington's birthday.

8.2. February 17th

9. Mother's Day

9.1. Mother's Day is a day we appracite our Mom's. Not everybody has a mom, so some people doesn't celebrate it.

9.2. May 10th

10. Valentine's Day

10.1. A day to express your love to anyone.

10.2. February 14th

11. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

11.1. We remember MLK, and what he has done for us

11.2. The third Monday in January.

12. New Year's Day

12.1. The beginning of the new year!

12.2. January 1st

13. Independence's Day

13.1. We celebrate our freedom

13.2. July 4th