Business using web 2.0 technologies (JJ Kruger, 29354235)
by Hannes Kruger

1. Technologies and services that ditinguish Web 2.0
1.1. Cloud cimputing
1.2. Software mashups
1.3. Widgets
1.4. Blogs
1.5. RSS
1.6. Wikis
2. Google
2.1. A business can use Google to promote, advertise and show people around the globe how their business function with there employees, management and top CEO's(and top management).
3. What is Web 2.0
3.1. Web 2.0 is second-generation interactives. It is based on internet services that are used today. It enables people to collaborate, share information, and create new services online.
3.2. Examples of Web 2.0
3.2.1. Facebook
3.2.2. Youtube
3.2.3. Google
3.2.4. MySpace