Copy of Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree?

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Copy of Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree? por Mind Map: Copy of Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree?

1. Yes, it is realistic

1.1. Point:Shows the ups and downs of Wing's life.

1.1.1. Examples: Breaking up with Chloe, Yong passing away,Joshua's sickness.

1.1.2. Analysis:Any teenager would experience it,can relate to Wing's experiences easily.

1.1.3. Link: Makes the reader believe the story because it is realistic.

1.2. Point:Shows Wing's part to play in the society.

1.2.1. Example:As a son,student,soldier,boyfriend

1.2.2. Analysis: Everyone has to play the same duties that Wing plays in Singapore.

1.2.3. Link: Makes the story believeable because our duties are similar as that of Wing. Thus,it is realistic.