Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree?

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Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree? by Mind Map: Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree?

1. Yes, it is realistic

2. No, it is not realistic

2.1. different time

2.1.1. Heartland was written a long time ago, as it is written a long time ago, people do not necessarily behave the way they do now boys in the past are generally more traditional and usually think about family first. boys in the present generally have bigger egos and bigger dreams and families do not necessarily come first.

2.2. character personality

2.2.1. Everyone is unique. Wing is also an unique individual. he does not think nor act the same way that others do, thus we cannot say that his way of living or thinking is the typical singaporean way

3. Key words & ideas

3.1. realistic portrayal

3.1.1. definition realistic: given to the representation of things as they really are. portrayal: depicting or representing

3.2. search for identity

3.2.1. definition search of where he/she belongs to

3.3. Singaporean

3.3.1. meaning typical singaporean life which means: how a Singaporean behaves everyday and throughout his/her life.