All about Cell Theory by Jessica Lin

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All about Cell Theory by Jessica Lin por Mind Map: All about Cell Theory by Jessica Lin

1. Main Ideas:

1.1. All organisms are composed of cells

1.2. cells are alive and the basic living units or organization in all organisms

1.3. all cells come from other cells

2. Scientists and their experiments

2.1. Rudolf Rudolf Virchow extended the work of Schleiden and Schwann by proposing that all living cells must rise from pre-existing cells

2.2. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope and used it to discover bacteria and protozoa.

2.3. Robert Hooke used the telescope to observe corks where he found that they are mad up of cells proving that they are living organism

2.4. Theodor Schwann used a microscope and found that animal tissue is made up of cells

2.5. Louis Pasteur created an experiment to prove spontaneous generation was not real

2.6. Matthias Jakob Schleiden used a microscope and found that plants are made up of cells

3. Animal tissues under the microscope (click on the arrow)

4. Plant tissue under a microscope

5. Human cell tissue under a microscope