How a business could use web 2.0 technologies

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How a business could use web 2.0 technologies por Mind Map: How a business could use web 2.0 technologies

1. Wikis

1.1. Feedback

1.1.1. Complaints Customer service Product quility

1.1.2. Suggestions Improvements Requests

2. Instant Messaging

2.1. Long distance communication

2.2. Instant updates

2.2.1. Reps

2.2.2. Employees

2.2.3. Suppliers

2.2.4. Customers

3. Software as a Secure Service

3.1. Enhances security

3.2. Cost efficiant

3.3. Time saving

3.4. Zero IT hassles for clients

4. Blogs

4.1. Business Profile

4.1.1. Portfolio

4.1.2. Events

4.1.3. Products

4.2. Marketing

4.2.1. Overview

4.2.2. Discription

5. e-mail

5.1. Communication

5.1.1. Extranet Customers Suppliers

5.1.2. Intranet Employees Management

6. Facebook and MySpace

6.1. Marketing

6.1.1. Find new customers

6.1.2. Keep customers informed

6.2. Business growth

6.2.1. Find new suppliers

6.2.2. Keep suppliers informed

6.2.3. Form new alliances with companies abroad

6.3. Feedback

6.3.1. Suggestions

6.3.2. Complaints

6.4. Media

6.4.1. Keep updated on whats new

6.4.2. Ensure innovativeness