Learning Environments

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Learning Environments por Mind Map: Learning Environments


1.1. Benefits: Way of bringing tech into the classroom if school/district is unable to provide tech Drawbacks: Not everyone has a device, different kinds of devices

2. Blended Learning/Flipped Classroom

2.1. Benefits: Maximize in-class time (discussions, projects, support) Drawbacks: Not all students have access to technology/internet, some students need more interaction

3. One Computer Classroom

3.1. Typically just a teacher computer

4. Student Response System

4.1. Benefits: Instant feedback, engaging

5. 1:1

5.1. Benefits: Meeting needs of individuals, great for assessment

6. Tablet Computing

6.1. Benefits: Portable, touchscreen Drawbacks: No keyboard/word processing more difficult

7. Cloud Computing

7.1. Benefits: Students can access files from any internet-connected device Drawbacks: Dependable internet connection required

8. Computer Lab

8.1. Benefits: Every student will be able to work on their own machine Drawbacks: Usually infrequent schedule, lack of mobility

9. Online Learning

9.1. Benefits: Flexibility (time, location, pace), Drawbacks: Can be challenging for collaboration

10. No Computers (by design)

10.1. Benefits: Students not distracted by technology; less "screen time" Drawbacks: Students missing out on