Target Pronunciation of the /th/sound.

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Target Pronunciation of the /th/sound. by Mind Map: Target Pronunciation of the /th/sound.

1. Presented by: Nancy Hall

2. Learner's Profile

2.1. Spanish speaking immigrant from Mexico

2.2. Over 10 yrs in United States

2.3. Have taken ESL courses

2.4. Mispronunciation of errors in speech

3. Teaching Context

3.1. Graduate student Tutor

3.2. TESL program

3.3. Speaker of English

4. Goals of Instruction

4.1. 1. To apply the correct pronunciation of the /th/ sound when speaking the English language.

4.2. 2. To understand the distinction in sound production between Spanish and English

5. Selection of Teaching Points

5.1. Recording of Casual Conversation

5.2. Errors in mispronunciatian

6. Sequencing of Teaching Points

6.1. 1. Analyze learners needs

6.2. 2. Find relevant material that a learner can use for practice

6.3. 3. Address targeted pronunciation features by using authentic language samples for practice.

6.4. 4. Use choral repetition with body movement.

6.5. 5. Assign less-controlled activities for practice.

6.6. 6. Record learner's speech for feedback and review.

7. Delivery of Instruction

7.1. Manner and Place of Articulation

7.2. Voiced and Voiceless Fricatives

7.3. Repitition

7.4. Use of Authentic Materials

8. Sample Activity


8.2. Identifying words with the /th/ sound

8.3. Write a dialogue using words with the /th/sound

9. Application to other Teaching Context

9.1. Many other ELL does not have the /th sound in their mother tongue.

9.2. Applies to doctors, teachers, lawyers and grade school students.