NCEO - Taxonomies (Draft)

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NCEO - Taxonomies (Draft) by Mind Map: NCEO - Taxonomies (Draft)

1. *Areas (To which area of NCEO expertise does this Resource apply?)*

1.1. ESOP

1.2. Equity Compensation

1.3. CEPI Prep Course

1.3.1. Level 1

1.3.2. Level 2

1.3.3. Level 3

2. *Keynotes (What does this Resource cover/discuss?)*

2.1. Leadership and Governance

2.1.1. Audits

2.1.2. Fiduciary issues

2.1.3. Governance

2.1.4. Insurance Workers Compensation

2.1.5. Managing/Hiring SPs

2.1.6. Profitability

2.1.7. Recruiting

2.1.8. Repurchase Obligations

2.1.9. Succession Planning

2.1.10. Sustainability

2.1.11. Valuation

2.2. Legal

2.2.1. Aquisition Strategies

2.2.2. Compliance

2.2.3. Financing / Financing Issues

2.2.4. Financial Advice

2.2.5. Investment Banking

2.2.6. Freezing

2.2.7. Legislation

2.2.8. Plan Audit

2.2.9. Plan Life Cycle

2.2.10. Regulation

2.2.11. Taxation

2.2.12. Terminating

2.3. Ownership Concepts and Research

2.4. Ownership Culture & Communications

2.4.1. Communication

2.4.2. Corporate Performance

2.4.3. Employee Communication

2.4.4. Employee Development

2.4.5. Employee Management

2.4.6. Employee Performance

2.4.7. Employee Wellness Plans

2.4.8. Employee Financial Advice

2.4.9. Employee Education

2.4.10. Employee Participation

2.4.11. Hiring

2.4.12. Leadership

2.4.13. Retirement Planning (Employees)

2.5. Plan Operations

2.5.1. Accounting (ESOPs)

2.5.2. Accounting (Equity)

2.5.3. Distribution

2.5.4. Distribution (Dividends)

2.5.5. Diversification

2.5.6. Dividends

2.5.7. Investment Management

2.5.8. Plan Management

2.5.9. Plan Administration

2.5.10. Plan Design

2.5.11. Securities

2.5.12. Software

2.5.13. Vesting

2.6. Transactions / Feasibility

2.6.1. Considering

2.6.2. Hiring/Managing SPs

2.6.3. Introductory Topics

2.6.4. KSOP

2.6.5. Liquidity Options

2.6.6. Loans

2.6.7. Other forms of Employee Ownership

2.6.8. Ownership Transactions

2.6.9. Retirement Planning

2.6.10. Section 1042 1042 Rollover

2.6.11. Succession Planning

2.6.12. Taxation

2.6.13. Transactions

2.7. Compensation & Benefits

3. *Target Audience (Who is this Resource for?)*

3.1. Owner/Seller

3.2. Admin/Trustee/Commitee

3.3. Employee Owner

3.4. C-Level/Managment/Board

4. *Level of Expertise (How much knowledge does the visitor already need to have to get value from this Resource?)*

4.1. Intro: Basics

4.2. Intermediate: Beyond the Basics

4.3. Expert

5. Ownership and Equity Plan Types (To which kinds of Plans or Packages does this Resource relate?)

5.1. Direct Stock

5.2. Direct stock purchase plan

5.3. Unrestricted Direct Stock Grants

5.4. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)

5.5. GPS (Global Stock Plans)

5.6. Incentive Stock Option

5.7. KSOP (401(k) + ESOP)

5.8. Non-qualified Stock Option

5.9. Performance Awards

5.10. Phantom Stock

5.11. Profit Sharing

5.12. Restricted Stock

5.13. Restricted Stock Units

5.14. Restricted stock purchase plan

5.15. Stock Appreication Rights (SARs)

5.16. Stock Bonus

5.17. Stock Options

5.18. Worker Cooperative

5.19. LLC granting LLC interests to employees

5.20. Non-ESOP ERISA plans with company stock

5.21. Perpetual employee trust with company stock

6. Corporate Form (To what kind of Corporation does this Resource apply?)

6.1. LLC

6.2. S Corporations

6.3. C Corp

6.4. Partnership

6.5. Sole Proprietorship

6.6. Private Company

6.7. Public Company

6.8. Small Business

6.9. Closely Held Corporation

6.10. Multinational Cos

7. Life Cycle (When in the Phase of implementation of Plan or Package is this Resource relevant?)

7.1. Considering

7.2. Setting up

7.3. Termination

7.4. Freezing

8. Members-Only Resource

8.1. UNUSED (reference only)

8.1.1. Sector (Is this Resource relevant to a particular Sector?) Service Provider Nonprofit Government Company Academic

8.1.2. Conference Tracks ESOP Basics ESOPs: Beyond the Basics Compensation and Benefits Communications and Culture Leadership and Governance

8.1.3. Resource Description Best Practices Case Studies Strategies and Ideas Introductory topics Issues and Challenges News / Timely Publications Research and Analysis Toolkit