by Kiana Paz
1. People who were looking for gold moved there in the 1800's
2. There state is also known for their Lighting shows during monsoon season.
3. Copper is a top industrie they make wires,pipes and computer chips
4. Animals
4.1. State bird is Cactus Wren
4.2. The Endangered Peregrin Falcon is one of the fastest birds in the world.
4.3. Great Horned Owl has an approximatley18-27 in. tall and wingspan of 40-60in.
5. Weather and Climate
5.1. Temperature sometimes rises more than 100 degreees F in April
5.2. Arizona is known for the sun.
5.3. Arizona is also known for thier ice hockey team.
6. Location
6.1. Arizona is apart of the four corners.
6.2. Arizona's eastern corner connects with one corner of Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
6.3. It's southern border connects with Mexico.
7. Statehood
8. Farming
8.1. Has Cattle,Cotton,and Citrus
8.2. Farmers went to Arizona when irragation was good.
8.3. Arizona farmers grow lettuce,vegetables,and citrus fruits.
9. Grand Canyon
9.1. Is one of the 7 wonders of the world
9.2. widest point 18 miles across deepest point 1,829 miles.
9.3. Has more than 1,500 rare plants
10. Ancient Tribes
10.1. The Anasazi are called the Clif Dwellers.
10.2. Batween the 1300's and 13500's The Navajo and the Apache Tribes came to the area from Canada.
10.3. The Anasazi built their homes at the edge of the Cliffs.
11. Plants
11.1. The Arizona walnut can grow up to 50feet high.
11.2. Arizonas State Flower is the Saguaro Flower
11.3. Has Barrel Cactus or the Fish Hook Cactus and the Occotilo cactus A.K.A The Candlewood