ELFs (Early Learning Foundations) LL51 (Language and Literacy) Identify and name letters of the ...

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ELFs (Early Learning Foundations) LL51 (Language and Literacy) Identify and name letters of the alphabet. por Mind Map: ELFs (Early Learning Foundations)  LL51 (Language and Literacy) Identify and name letters of the alphabet.

1. 1st Learning Choice

1.1. Youtube Storybots L

1.2. Starfall What letter is not an L?

1.3. Circle the uppercase L's

2. Mat Man

2.1. Mat Man Video

2.2. Beginner Game

2.3. Build Mat Man

3. 3rd Learning Choice

3.1. Uppercase/Lowercase

3.2. Practice Uppercase/Lowercase

3.3. Matching Uppercase/Lowercase