Water in its various states affects Earth's landforms and climate.

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Water in its various states affects Earth's landforms and climate. by Mind Map: Water in its various states affects Earth's landforms and climate.

1. 2.1 Waves and Tides

1.1. Waves:circular movement o water particles that moves along the waters surface.

1.2. Tides:daily change in water level of oceans.

2. 2.2 Eroision and Deposition

2.1. Stream Characterisitics:characteistics that describe a stream or river.

2.2. Sediments: eroded rock fragments and soil carried by water or wind.

2.3. Watershed: area of land that drains into one main lake or river.

2.4. Continental Divide:highest point of land on a continent.

3. 2.3 Processes that Shape Ocean Basins and Continental Drainage

3.1. Glaciers:large moving bodie of ice.

3.2. Seamounts: underwater volcanos thatdon't come all the way to the top.

3.3. Moraines:when rock and gravel build up at the base of a glacier.

3.4. Eskers: glacier meltwater that flows in tunnels.

3.5. Drumlins small hills with a teardrop shape.

3.6. Kettle Lake: lake formed by a glaciers melt water.

4. 2.4 Water and Climate

4.1. Climate: the average weather measured over a long period of time.

4.2. Currents: smaller straems that move through bigger bodies of water.