SharePoint Identity Crisis

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SharePoint Identity Crisis by Mind Map: SharePoint Identity Crisis

1. How many

1.1. Templates

1.2. Content types

2. Blue Print

2.1. Who

2.1.1. owns it

2.1.2. install it

2.1.3. admins it

2.1.4. supports

2.2. How

2.2.1. do you get access

2.2.2. much does is cost

2.3. What

2.3.1. structure portal server

3. Tool or Part?

3.1. Part of a group

3.1.1. Grab 'n Go Sub site Libary

3.2. Single Item

3.2.1. Grab 'n Go Forms Content Types

4. What in the Word?

4.1. Folks(onomy)

4.2. Tag(s)

4.3. Meta(data)

4.4. for

4.5. Tax(onomy)

5. Sparta or Athens?

5.1. Who

5.1.1. Restricted Read

5.1.2. Read

5.1.3. Contribute

5.1.4. Approve

5.1.5. Manage Hierachy

5.1.6. Design

5.1.7. Full Control

5.1.8. SP Design's

6. Who

6.1. will benefit

6.2. will admire

6.3. will champion

6.4. else has it

6.5. who signs off

6.6. is the end user

6.7. trains it

6.8. is accountable

7. Push or Pull?

7.1. Consuming

7.2. Creating

7.3. Collaborating

7.4. Finding

8. Time Oriented

8.1. Need to know when

8.1.1. created

8.1.2. modified

8.1.3. deleted

8.1.4. not modified

8.2. How often do people need access

8.3. Archiving