Increasing the adult learners academic success using digital tools.

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Increasing the adult learners academic success using digital tools. por Mind Map: Increasing the adult learners  academic success using  digital tools.

1. Category I. The diffrent types of tools

1.1. I. Time Managment.

1.2. II. Learning and research tools.

1.3. III. Tools to refresh your knowledge and skills.

2. Category II. The places digital tools can be found.

2.1. I. The internet

2.2. II. Libarys

2.3. III. the App store on smart phones

3. Category III. How effective are digital tools?

3.1. I. Do they increase test scores?

3.2. II. Could we learn without them?

3.3. III. How digital tools are to vital academic success.

4. Possible Refreances.

4.1. I.

4.2. II. APUS Library

4.3. III.

4.4. IV.