Improving Conferences: Connecting Online

Why connect before, during, and after f2f conferences? What are some tools to support these activities?

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Improving Conferences: Connecting Online by Mind Map: Improving Conferences: Connecting Online

1. Why connect ahead of time?

1.1. Promotion/ Call

1.2. Session Prep

1.2.1. what to bring

1.2.2. what to expect

1.2.3. what to think about

1.2.4. background reading

1.2.5. advance organizers

1.2.6. backgrounds of delegates

1.2.7. what are your questions?

1.3. Logistics

1.3.1. carpooling

1.3.2. accommodation

1.3.3. schedule changes

1.4. Registration

1.4.1. copyright

1.4.2. photograhs waiver

1.4.3. spaces available

1.5. Networking

1.5.1. by interest

1.5.2. organize meetups

1.5.3. who is attending what

1.6. Shape conference program

1.7. General questions

2. Why connect after?

2.1. share artefacts

2.2. extend the dialogue

2.3. feedback

3. Why connect during?

3.1. Enhance sessions

3.1.1. backchannel

3.1.2. shared notetaking

3.1.3. debate

3.2. logistics

3.2.1. schedule/room changes

3.2.2. scheduling reminders

3.3. Reach out to non-delegates

3.3.1. stream

3.3.2. open publishing

3.3.3. promote

3.3.4. live session

3.4. ongoing feedback

4. Tools

4.1. discuss

4.1.1. moodle

4.1.2. cloudworks

4.1.3. blogs

4.2. upload docs

4.2.1. slideshare

4.2.2. google docs

4.3. record sessions

4.3.1. ustream

4.4. get feedback

4.4.1. survey monkey

4.4.2. google moderator

4.4.3. google docs

4.5. registration

4.5.1. event brite

4.5.2. google docs

4.6. notify/broadcast

4.6.1. mailing list

4.6.2. twitter

4.6.3. moodle forum

4.6.4. facebook

4.7. self-organize

4.7.1. wiki

4.8. personalize experience

4.8.1. rss

4.8.2. (perpetual) search

4.9. share

4.9.1. flickr / picassa

4.9.2. slideshare

4.9.3. tags twapper keeper

4.9.4. diigo / delicious

4.9.5. youtube


4.9.7. twitter

4.10. hubs

4.10.1. crowdvine

4.10.2. cloudworks

4.10.3. wetpaint

4.10.4. moodle