Visual Learning Style

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Visual Learning Style por Mind Map: Visual Learning Style

1. What is a Visual Learner

1.1. a Visual learner is someone who prefers when ideas and concepts are translated into images and techniques.

2. Characteristics

2.1. Prefers to usually work alone instead of groups

2.2. Writes out steps, explanations, or highlights

2.3. Prefers things to be written out in notes or picture form.

3. For your Advantage

3.1. Take detailed notes and highlight the very important sections

3.2. Make flash cards to help study

3.3. Make charts, Graphs, and Diagrams based from notes

4. In Conclusion

4.1. Being a Visual learner in an online environment can work for you, just takes notes during your readings, highlight important things, make some flash cards, or charts and graphs to succeed