World Religons

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World Religons by Mind Map: World Religons

1. Judaism

1.1. Words

1.1.1. Randi; leader of the constipation

1.1.2. Messiah;The anointed one

1.1.3. Shoofar ; a horn

1.2. Celebration/Festivals

1.2.1. Hanukkah; A celebration that lasts three bays and one each night a candle is lit

1.2.2. Rosh Hashana; Judaism new year

1.2.3. Purim; A festival that in march

1.3. Belives

1.3.1. Bar Mitzfa;When boys turned at age

1.3.2. 10 commandments

1.3.3. Torah;the 5 books

1.3.4. Bar Mitzfa; When girls turned 12

1.4. History

1.4.1. Its one of the oldest religion

1.4.2. They prayed to gods with looking at status that looked liked the god.

2. Christianity

2.1. Gospels; Tells gods life

2.2. Messiah; The anointed one

2.3. Bible; old testament and the new testament together

2.3.1. He said "do to others what you want to be done to you

2.4. History of Jesus

2.4.1. An angle spoke to the people and told them that they will find Jesus

2.4.2. Jesus told the people that he was the messiah but no one belived them

2.4.3. Jesus gave up his life on the cross

2.4.4. Jesus was killed on a cross

2.4.5. 313 B.C. the king accepted Christianity and stopped the killing of the Christians

2.4.6. Jesus is the son of god

2.5. St.'s

2.5.1. St. Peter (leader) ;he made the mission to spread Christianity

2.5.2. St. Paul ; he was known to spread Christianity

2.6. Celebrations

2.6.1. Palm sundae;A parade to celebrate Jesus

2.6.2. Christmas; to remember the birth of Jesus

2.7. Belives

2.7.1. Baptism;The removing of the main sins

2.7.2. Christening;giving a name to a baby

2.7.3. Confirmation; coming of age seremony

2.7.4. He will return to establish the kingdom of Earth

3. Islam

3.1. Belives

3.1.1. Islam;Serender to god

3.1.2. Mahamet;Gods messenger

3.1.3. Sunni;mahamet didn't leave any written record

3.1.4. Mecah

3.1.5. That everything that the people did was an action for god

3.2. History

3.2.1. Mahamet told the people to follow god

3.2.2. Mahamet went to heaven and meant prosets

3.2.3. 632 B.C.E. mahamet dided

3.2.4. Islam split in two

3.3. Words

3.3.1. Hijri;immigration

3.3.2. Quarry;successful merchent

3.4. 5 rivitiv dutys

3.4.1. Beliefs

3.4.2. Prayers; people prey 5 times a day at the right time

3.4.3. Fast

3.4.4. Alms

3.5. Traditions

3.5.1. Rama Dan; A month when that they do not eat from sunrise to sun set