by sanjay nasta

1. Front-end Analysis
1.1. Business need
1.2. Gap analysis
1.3. Solution selection
1.4. Alignment of training objectives to performance goals
1.5. Audience analysis
1.6. Content analysis
1.7. Instructional strategy selection
1.7.1. Learning Domains Knowledge Skills Attitude
1.7.2. Bloom's taxonomy - level of training
1.7.3. Transfer KSA to job
1.7.4. Make it memorable
1.7.5. Learner motivation (WIIFM)
1.8. Delivery platform
1.8.1. Mobile
1.8.2. Desktop/laptop
2. Levels of Interactivity
2.1. Learner to learner
2.1.1. Social media Use Bullet Lists Nesting
2.2. Learner to instructor
2.2.1. Synchronous
2.2.2. Asynchronous
2.3. Learner to content
2.3.1. Level
2.3.2. Definition
2.3.3. Examples
2.4. Examples
3. Media
3.1. Production difficulty
3.1.1. Change in approval authority
3.2. Pace of change
3.3. Media list/definitions
3.4. Strengths of online media
3.5. Audience considerations
3.5.1. Technology
3.5.2. Age preferences (not generational differences)
3.6. Practical considerations
3.6.1. Time
3.6.2. Budget
3.6.3. Resources/ability
3.6.4. Options (slides vs video)