Blogging the Blogosphere Divide

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Blogging the Blogosphere Divide by Mind Map: Blogging the Blogosphere Divide

1. Remember the Digital Divide

1.1. poor people not connected

1.2. lots of notice on the topic

1.3. community technology centers

1.4. even bush tried to tackle

1.5. still not solved

2. Blogger Divide

2.1. not poor vs. rich

2.2. latino, gay, black, left/progressive

2.3. kickoff with convo about francis holland and blackosphere vs. whitosphere

3. Is there a problem?

3.1. not about francis

3.2. field negro: this is a real issue

3.2.1. blogging about violence in phillhy

3.2.2. blacks leaving party over presidential outcome

3.3. yes, people are sensitized and desensitized to certain issues

3.3.1. dem party is unable to condemn with one voice behavior of one presidential candidate

3.3.2. dems risk alienating huge part of electorate.

3.3.3. this is worst racist politicking since democratic party was the party of racism

3.4. links are currency.

3.4.1. lack of diversity of links in blogroll

3.4.2. use more in stories?

3.5. ideally there's no need for afrosphere

3.5.1. created out of necessity

3.5.2. reflects larger political context

3.6. not just race baiting in 2008 election: IMMIGRATION!!

3.7. PHB: not just racial divide

3.7.1. other slices region gender sexual orientation class

3.7.2. idea of happy agreeing left is a lie

3.8. need dialog even among disagreement

3.9. burden is on both to look for opportunities to cooperate

3.9.1. black bloggers reaching out to MSB on "our issues" and framing them in larger language

3.9.2. MSB pulling in others and explaining relevance of FISA for example

3.9.3. must listen and not get smacked down

3.10. divide between A list and others.