TEDxRdam talk - Willem Verbeke

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TEDxRdam talk - Willem Verbeke by Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk - Willem Verbeke

1. sales person

1.1. the best sales person

1.2. people by coaching and attention

1.3. dont be smart

1.4. be

1.4.1. empathic

1.4.2. understanding and attentions

2. Willem Verbeke

2.1. pro­fes­sor Sales & Account Man­age­ment at EUR

3. successful people

3.1. watch small things in detail

4. sience

4.1. sigmund freud

4.2. gerard zaltman

5. back to overview

6. framework neuro economics

6.1. conciuos

6.1.1. pony

6.2. unconcious

6.2.1. elephant

7. economics

7.1. biomarkers

7.2. steve jobs in sales

8. experiment

8.1. FRMI scan

8.1.1. brain activity

8.2. 'high' sales people

8.2.1. big difference between sad/happy

8.2.2. they seem to care

8.3. 'low' sales people

8.3.1. no difference between sad/happy

8.3.2. so it seems that they don't care

9. example

9.1. listen to steve jobs

9.2. is it hurts me

9.2.1. it probably hurt other people as well

9.2.2. feel other peoples pain

9.2.3. highly customer oriented

9.2.4. highly developed

9.2.5. mirror neuron system

9.2.6. precuneus dancing have feelings feel your fear

9.3. heidegger

9.3.1. begin in the world

9.3.2. look how people stand in the world

9.3.3. 1 undertand perspectives of customers

9.3.4. 2 excitement in converstayion

9.3.5. 3. pasison and flow

9.4. summary

9.4.1. better sales peoples minds

9.4.2. solve a problem 1 feel it 2 system in brain to feel pain 3 feeling is doing 4 many sales people dont feel the pain

9.4.3. 1 look at engineers Dutch are smart train engineers to look at problems of customers

10. questions

10.1. how about a resume

10.2. rewire the brain to become a better person