1. Competencies
1.1. Effectively communicate qualitative and quantitative information orally and in writing.
1.1.1. Dipity Account
1.1.2. Mind Meister Account
1.1.3. E Portfolio
1.1.4. E-Mail Communication
1.2. Explain the application of fundamental physical principles to various physical phenomena.
1.2.1. Tape Experiment on Day 4
1.2.2. Day 7 Circuit
1.2.3. Lectures (Pencasts?)
1.2.4. ERM Map
1.3. Apply appropriate problem-solving techniques to practical and meaningful problems using graphical, mathematical, and written modeling tools.
1.3.1. Logger Pro Tutorial
1.4. Work effectively in collaborative groups.
1.4.1. The Coil Gun Project
1.4.2. Telescope Project
1.4.3. Project 3
2. Outline
2.1. Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Matter
2.1.1. Tape Experiment on day 4
2.1.2. Ions, Atoms, Isotopes and Equations on Day 4
2.1.3. Principals of Electric Camera Flash
2.1.4. Resistance and Day 10 Lectures
2.1.5. Day 11 Conductors, Insulators, Etc.
2.1.6. Day 7 Circuit
2.1.7. Principals of Light and Reflection
2.2. Fields and Forces
2.2.1. Tape Experiment on day 4
2.2.2. Day 6(?) Lectures
2.3. DC and AC Currents
2.3.1. Circuits and Lenz's law
2.3.2. Day 7 Circuit
2.3.3. Coil Gun
2.4. Electromagnitism
2.4.1. Coil Gun Project
2.4.2. Day 10 Lectures
2.4.3. Light/Erm Radiation
2.5. Elements of Modern Physics
2.5.1. Nuclear Fission Project three. Splitting of Atoms
2.5.2. Nuclear Fusion Fusing of atoms, hence fusion.