Weekly Status Meeting

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Weekly Status Meeting von Mind Map: Weekly  Status Meeting

1. Participants

1.1. Raphaela B Marketing

1.2. Dominic H Development

1.3. Laura B MM team leader

1.4. Oliver H Support

2. Agenda

2.1. Last software sprint MindMeister

2.2. Last software sprint MeisterTask

2.3. User feedback

2.4. PR

2.5. Purpose of this meeting: Create roadmap for this week

3. Action Items

3.1. Improve drag and drop

3.2. Finish API documentation

3.3. Add multi-select

3.4. Implement Trello import

3.5. Write FAQs based on feedback

3.6. Write MT iOS press release

4. Discussion

4.1. Twitter feedback

4.2. Zendesk forum

4.2.1. FAQs

4.2.2. Support

4.3. API

4.3.1. Documentation issues

4.4. Feature requests

4.4.1. Background images

4.4.2. Todoist import

4.4.3. Android app

4.5. Upcoming iOS launch

4.5.1. MT April

4.5.2. MM May