TEDxRDam - intoduction by Max Westerman

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TEDxRDam - intoduction by Max Westerman por Mind Map: TEDxRDam - intoduction by  Max Westerman

1. TEDxRotterdam

1.1. 2 citizens of Rotterdam

1.1.1. Myron

1.1.2. Isis

1.2. half a year

1.2.1. quick process

1.2.2. happy to see

1.3. its a combination of network

1.4. start of new environment

1.5. You and US

1.5.1. the new economy

1.6. organizing

1.6.1. a journey

1.6.2. services partners crew

2. back to overview

3. rules

3.1. max 18 mins

4. participate

4.1. mobile phone

4.2. tweet

4.2.1. hashtag #TEDxRDAM

5. something different

6. ted event

6.1. steve jobs

6.2. ipod

7. location

7.1. rotterdam

7.2. HAl

7.2.1. start to New York

7.2.2. set sail to NY new life

8. Max Westerman