Poetry Comparison-Luke Landeros

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Poetry Comparison-Luke Landeros por Mind Map: Poetry Comparison-Luke Landeros

1. HI

2. Ever Cat Has a Story

2.1. The theme is every animal/thing is different.

2.2. Mood words:Sweet, Played, and Love[d]

2.3. Tone words:Curious, Joyed, and Excited

2.4. Repeated words/phrases: One cat

2.5. I liked it because it showed how everyone is different.

3. Seeing The World

3.1. The theme is to see things differently.

3.2. Tone words: Dream, Gentle, and Bored

3.3. Mood words:Wanderlust, Imagine, Enjoyable

3.4. Repeated words:Below us

3.5. I liked it because I would like to be in there shoes;all free and that.