SSIS MS Portfolios a growth and showcase portfolio system. (thoughts after trial for Oct/10 MS i...

Brainstorming for the creation of an eportfolio system in the 2009-2010 MS school year.

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SSIS MS Portfolios a growth and showcase portfolio system. (thoughts after trial for Oct/10 MS implementation) - started looking back at this Mindmap from 2010 after our brief team six discussion March/14. Have added a few things and updated links (see key). Left most of the material the same and did not look for more current resources. создатель Mind Map: SSIS MS Portfolios a growth and showcase portfolio system.  (thoughts after trial for Oct/10 MS implementation) - started looking back at this Mindmap from 2010 after our brief team six discussion March/14. Have added a few things and updated links (see key). Left most of the material the same and did not look for more current resources.

1. Added this year 04/14-after 2015 blogs have been totally changed. So my links are dead. We still are reinventing the wheel at SSIS. My takeaway- change needs active participation and publicity guess I failed with some of that.

2. Student examples

2.1. Justine left for the Philippines. I kept parts of her blog and maintained it for future PD ideas as well as to keep as an artifact of what was done as we visit student lead conferences and possible use of eportflios on the grade six team.

2.1.1. Pages are used for the reflective piece this is an area that I needed to work on. Student selects and links to the artifact. Menus used to display the pages of the eportfolio.

2.1.2. Each Page contains a reflection and a link to the blog post containing the artifact.

2.1.3. The Blog post contains the actual artifact.

2.2. Kelsey left for Oman in Grade 8 and I did not maintain her blog.

3. Student Skills

3.1. Understanding what an artifact is

3.2. Content ownership

3.3. Using a templated approach to posts?

3.4. Linking back to posts

3.5. Understanding how to embed artifacts

3.5.1. presentations Gapps slideshare other

3.5.2. documents Gapps scribd other Google Docs Viewer

3.5.3. graphics internal Flickr

3.5.4. video SSIS Youtube

3.5.5. pdfs scanned objects image size pdf size

4. Structure

4.1. How do we bring it together Category vrs tags both

4.2. When will the collection of artifacts take place?

4.3. Where will collection take place?

4.4. How many will we collect how often?

4.5. Blog Space-Server

4.6. Differentiation between grade level agregation-unique categories

4.7. How will portfolios be shared

4.7.1. portfolio based conference

4.7.2. teacher commenting Advisory based?

4.7.3. parent commenting Parent - education & communication?

4.7.4. private or not

4.8. student versus institution content housing

4.9. Things to Check

5. Blog Based Portfolio

5.1. About me page

5.2. Goal Setting Page

5.3. How I learn Page

5.4. Post Structure

5.4.1. What am I learning?

5.4.2. emebedded artifact

5.4.3. embedded photo

5.4.4. how is blog post tagged

5.4.5. what categories are being used

5.5. Category Based Reflection Page

5.5.1. What does this show about my learning?

5.5.2. links to post artifacts that supports reflection

5.6. MOSEP Training Module Structure

5.7. Blog/Reflection Prompts

6. Needs

6.1. scanners

6.1.1. Doxie?

6.2. teacher/team commitment

6.3. administrative commitment

6.4. time

6.5. parent involvement

7. Resources - For future PD's

7.1. How to setup document. Modify document to reflect changes to feedwordpress.

7.2. My Diigo Portfolio List

7.3. Video from twitter

7.4. Student Eportfolio Poster

7.5. Some Questions that we can add to our initial discussion.

7.6. My Sccopit Links

8. Purpose

8.1. Define

9. Wpress 3.0

9.1. install on Surpass

9.2. try out plugins

9.3. Can we have teacher training on blogging? Maybe a learning group that keeps their own professional blogs? Might be able to bring it into the classroom more if we are using it ourselves.

10. key

10.1. backend

10.2. Modified incorrect URL changes in time

10.3. Indicates an uploaded file usually an image

10.4. right pointing arrow indicates an External Link

10.5. Added this year

10.6. Kept the rest the same did not look for more current resources.