The Human Body
by brooke alexander
1. Mathematics
1.1. Body Bingo
1.2. Graphing body parts in the class (eye colors, how many legs, how many noses, etc.)
1.3. Body Parts Memory Game
1.4. Body Parts Go Fish
1.5. Body Skeleton Puzzles
1.6. Building Bodies with Blocks
2. Emotional Development
2.1. Add photos of differently abled people (wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, missing limbs, etc.) around the classroom. Follow the lead of children in conversation and discuss adaptations.
2.2. Talk about and experiment with not using a particular body part. (ex. 3legged race or writing with feet) Talk about how it would make you feel.
3. Music and Movement
3.1. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
3.2. Juanito (Spanish body parts song)
3.3. This Is My Body (song and movement)
3.4. Pin the Parts on the Body (eyes closed game, followed by discussion)
3.5. 3 Legged race
3.6. Try writing with feet
4. Social Studies
4.1. Discuss similarities and differences of the human body around the world
4.2. Investigating how the body changes over time
4.3. Do all people in the same family have the same body type? Why or why not? Critical thinking activity
4.4. Drawing family members and graphing their characteristics
5. Science
5.1. Compare and contrast bodies (different humans or compare humans to animals)
5.2. Keyhole game (take photos of children and cover all but one body part (eyes, nose, hand, etc) and have children guess who is who
5.3. Mr. Potato Head (Where do body parts belong)
5.4. Matching X-rays to body parts
5.5. Shaving cream exploration (table covered in body parts, then contact paper, children squeegee it off to discover body parts)
5.6. Matching X-rays to their body parts
6. Creative Arts
6.1. Body parts magazine collage (cut out body parts and glue them to make a complete body)
6.2. Body tracings (outdoor project)
6.3. feet painting (sensory art)
6.4. Dramatic Play Doctor's Office
6.5. Dramatic Play Health Club or Gym
6.6. QTip Skeletons
6.7. Self Portraits using mirrors
7. Language and Literacy
7.1. Drawing/Labeling parts of the body
7.2. Read "I Ain't Gonna Paint No More"
7.3. Read "My Own Human Body"
7.4. Read "The Magic School Bus: Inside My Body"
7.5. Read "Me and My Amazing Body"
7.6. Body words memory game
7.7. Respond to readings with pictures and dictation