Orange County Public Schools March 9th Board Meeting

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Orange County Public Schools March 9th Board Meeting por Mind Map: Orange County Public Schools      March 9th Board Meeting

1. Influences Affecting Board Behavior, Discussions, and Decisions

1.1. Historical

1.1.1. Previous Advocacy for Social Workers within OC Schools

1.1.2. Previous Conflict with City of Orlando Regarding Financial Support of OCPS

1.2. Philosophical

1.2.1. Well-Publicized, Shared Vision

1.3. Ethical

1.4. Social

1.5. Economic

1.5.1. Need for Budget Reduction

1.5.2. Legislative Advocacy

1.5.3. Need for Financial Support from City of Orlando

2. Leadership Theories Displayed

2.1. Lewin and Regine on Relationships

2.2. Kouzes and Posner on Relationships

3. Overview of Meeting

3.1. Opening

3.2. Strategic Plan Update - The Fine Arts

3.3. Announcements and Reports

3.3.1. Changes to/Approval of Agenda

3.3.2. Recognition of Social Workers

3.3.3. Discussion of Census

3.3.4. Introduction of New Administrators

3.3.5. Recognition of Schools by Board Members

3.3.6. School Board Committee Reports Central Florida Public School Boards Coalition and Legislative Issues Legislative Committee Governance Committee

3.3.7. Recognition of Board Member Certification

3.3.8. Future Meeting Dates

3.3.9. Attorney's Report

4. Evidence of Ethical and Unethical Behaviors

4.1. Ethical

4.2. Unethical