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1776-1861 por Mind Map: 1776-1861

1. For the next 28 years the government struggled to have forced removals of the Native Americans from THEIR land

1.1. Thousands of lives were lost resulting int the Seminole, the Creeks, the Chickasaws and the Cheerokes to lose their land

1.1.1. Jackson lost about 4 to 6 million dollars in the result of the removal (which was more money then he had alloted for the Indian Removal in the beginning

2. Passive/ Non Violent Acts

2.1. Indians decided that they wanted to adopt Anglo-American ideas and customs so that their would be no war

2.1.1. This lead to the tribes having assimilated in attempt to coexist in peace

3. Jackson removed about 46,000 Native Americans from their land which opened 25 million acres of white settlement

4. Looking at the Manifest Destiny

4.1. Government might want to use this as an excuse to take all the land from the Native Americans because it was their right and their "destiny" to take this new land and make it their own

4.1.1. The new settlers took into account their own well-being and believed that they were intitled whatever they lay hold off

5. Making treaties for others land

5.1. From 1814 to 1824, Jackson was instrumental in negotiating nine out of eleven treaties which divested the southern tribes for the eastern tribes in exchange for the lands in the west.

6. Jackson ordered a killing

6.1. In 1814 Jackson ordered the killing of the Creek Nation

7. Indian Removal

7.1. President Andrew Jackson was a proponent of the Indian Removal.

7.1.1. stated that the Native Americans were children in need of guidance

8. 1826 Supreme Court judgement upon Indian lands

8.1. stated that Indian could occupy land in the US but they did not have any claim to said land.

8.1.1. this then lead to the Creeks, Cheeroke and the Chicasaws to restrict the selling of their land to the government

9. Mexico vs United States

9.1. The United States obtained in territory that was full of riches and diverse opportunities which was taken away from the Mexicans leading to feeling a sense of inferiority

9.1.1. Those Mexicans that decided to stay within the US were treated like second class citizens No equality for those that were Mexican leaving within the US because of the war and the strained relationship that stemmed from their a continuation of rage, anger, violence and non-stop worry and insecurity