Design and Technology

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Design and Technology by Mind Map: Design and Technology

1. Textiles

1.1. Clearly the best subject

1.1.1. colouring in is fun!

2. Graphics

2.1. Card -thicknesses (gsm)

2.2. Paper

2.2.1. Standard Sizes - A5, A4, A3 etc

2.3. Board - microns

3. Food

4. Fun

5. peas

6. Scissors

7. apple

8. Tape measure

9. New node

10. Needle

11. grass

12. Cows

12.1. Dairy

12.2. Beef

13. Resistant Materials

13.1. Wood

13.1.1. Softwood

13.1.2. Hardwood

13.2. Plastic

14. Electronics

14.1. Quite hard, lots of wires and burn risks

15. Product Design

15.1. NO THIS IS BEST!!!

15.1.1. Combines all subjects together (except Food)

16. Cottons

17. sewing machines

18. grapes

19. Veg

20. cheese