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Circles создатель Mind Map: Circles

1. Circumference

1.1. twice the radius

1.2. ∏ x radius x 2 OR ∏ x diameter

1.3. units

1.3.1. cm

1.3.2. m

1.4. formula

1.4.1. Semi-Circle 1/2 x∏x diameter

1.4.2. quadrant 1/4 x ∏ x diameter

2. Diameter

2.1. units

2.1.1. cm

2.1.2. m

2.2. pass through its centre

2.3. r x 2

3. Area

3.1. ∏ x r x r

3.2. units

3.2.1. cm2

3.2.2. m2

4. Radius

4.1. half of diameter

4.2. units

4.2.1. m

4.2.2. cm

4.3. ∏x (d/2)

5. Radius

5.1. ∏ x (d/2)

5.2. half of diameter

5.3. units

5.3.1. m

5.3.2. cm

6. What?

6.1. symmetric shape

6.2. the diameter & radius are always in a straight line

6.3. shape that has no right-angled,90degree

6.4. always 360degree

7. Funky Foxes

7.1. Hazwani

7.1.1. Diameter

7.1.2. circumference

7.2. Wei Bo

7.2.1. Area

7.2.2. checking the language

7.3. Si En

7.3.1. Why?

7.3.2. What?

8. Why?

8.1. build buildings in circular shape

8.2. to measure a circular thing