1. Definitions
1.1. Items in Shareholders Capital Statement
1.1.1. Core Capital・資本金
1.1.2. Capital Surplus・資本剰余金 Capital Reserve 資本準備金 Other Capital Surplus その他資本剰余金
1.1.3. Profit Surplus・利益剰余金 Profit Reserve・利益準備金 Accumulated Funds・積立金 Other Profit Surplus・その他利益準備金
1.1.4. Own Shares・自己株式
1.1.5. Revaluations, Differences on Conversion・評価・換算差額等 Difference on Revaluation of Other Marketable Securities・その他有価証券評価差額金 Differences on Other Revaluation, Conversion・その他評価・換算
1.1.6. Share Option Rights新株予約権
2. Movements of items in Capital Account
2.1. Article 445 Amount of Core Capital and Amount of Legal Reserve
2.1.1. Amount of capital on issue of shares is the amount paid in by the shareholders
2.1.2. up to half amounts paid in by shareholders can go to Capital Reserve, the remainder to Core Capital
2.1.3. when distributing surplus, one tenth of the amount must be allocated to a Legal Reserve
2.2. Article 446 - Amount of Surplus
2.2.1. Defines surplus, the maximum amount that may be distributed to shareholders
2.3. Article 447 - Decreases in Core Capital
2.3.1. Allows reduction of Core Capital and increase in Legal Reserve
2.4. Article 448 - Reduction in Legal Reserve
2.4.1. Allows reduction in Legal Reserve and increase in Core Capital
2.5. Article 450 - Increase in Core Capital
2.5.1. Allows redcution in Surplus and increase in Core Capital
2.6. Article 451 - Increase in Legal Reserve
2.6.1. Allows reduction in Surplus and increase in Legal Reserve
2.7. Article 452 - Appropriation of Surplus
2.7.1. Allows appropriation of surplus to cover losses, establish Voluntary Reserves
2.7.2. Resolution of Shareholders Meeting
3. Distributable amount
3.1. See example post here
4. Dividend declaration
4.1. Article 453 - Dividend out of Surplus
4.1.1. Allows the distribution of Surplus to shareholders
4.2. Article 454 - Determination of Dividend out of Surplus
4.2.1. Article 454-1 - resolution of shareholders to pay dividend
4.2.2. Article 454-5 allows a Board of Directors Appointed Company declare an Interim Dividend once per year of monetary assets only provided in Articles of company
4.2.3. Inlcudes other regulations re dividends of non monetary assets, multiple share types
5. Purchase by a company of its own shares
5.1. Article 163
5.1.1. allows company to purchase own shares from a subsidiary
5.2. Article 138(1), (2)
5.2.1. Allows purchase of own shares for Restricted Share Companies on request to sell
5.3. Article 165
5.3.1. allows on market purchase of own shares
5.4. Article 157-1
5.4.1. allows purchase of own shares further to resolution at Shareholders Meeting
5.5. Article 173
5.5.1. allows purchase of Shares with Attached Right of Complete Acquisition
5.6. Article 176-1
5.6.1. allows purchase of own shares from inheritor on request to purchase
5.7. Article 197-3
5.7.1. on auction of shares for reasons specified in Japanese Corporate Law (e.g. non collection of dividends for five years etc)
5.8. Article 234-4
5.8.1. on acquisition of fractional shares in aution
5.9. Reasons for unavoidable purchase of own shares
5.9.1. Article 155-10, 11, 12 on receipt further to business transfer, merger, corporate split
5.9.2. Article 469 on buyout of oposing shareholders of business transfer etc
5.9.3. Article 192 on request from shareholder without full voting right under the Voting Unit System