Laughter Out of Place Map Chapter 4, 5, 6, and 7

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Laughter Out of Place Map Chapter 4, 5, 6, and 7 von Mind Map: Laughter Out of Place Map Chapter 4, 5, 6, and 7

1. Chapter 5

1.1. Felicidade Eterna

1.2. Gang killing of Adilson.

1.3. Death

1.4. poor neighborhoods and young men

1.5. Dimlar

1.6. working class

2. Police Bandits

2.1. gangs and sexual abuse

2.1.1. ADA

2.1.2. Ciro

2.2. unfaithfulness

2.2.1. Rape

2.2.2. Religion/Christian

2.2.3. Pricing

2.2.4. "zones"

2.2.5. police/coruption

2.2.6. corruption

2.2.7. definition of Mafia

3. Chapter 6

3.1. Marieta

3.2. sexuality

3.3. Forum

3.4. Nelsinho

3.5. feminism

3.6. Rose Marie Muraro

3.7. Gloria's relationship with Zezinho

3.8. metaphors

4. Children and childhood in Rio de Janeiro

4.1. Rocinha

4.2. Gangs

4.2.1. Mirelli FUNABEM Lucas

5. Chapter 4

5.1. death

5.1.1. prision Pedro Paulo Amelia

6. Sacanagem

6.1. Mauro, Soneca, and Gloria incident

6.2. Alzira

6.2.1. Marilia step-fathers and stepfather sexual abuse

7. Chapter 7

7.1. Mariela

7.1.1. Celso's poising Their paraplegic daughter Mariela's strory of her life