Leadership, Learning and Technology: Individual and Collective Findings

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Leadership, Learning and Technology: Individual and Collective Findings by Mind Map: Leadership, Learning and Technology: Individual and Collective Findings

1. How does cultural diversity affect Leadership, Learning and Technology?

1.1. Either leadership and cultural diversity or learning and technology.

1.1.1. Until the last 10 years research focused on the best leadership theory. Now more attention to the affects of cultural diversity in work groups.

1.1.2. What changed? Team members values are different - international work groups.

1.1.3. Paradigm Shift. Leadership changing from no "best way" to focusing on how followers interpret differently based on their belief system.

1.1.4. Aycan (2008) Handbook of Cross-Cutural Managerment Research.. 26 Chapters of research on cultural diversity and leadership

2. Exploring trends with respect to leadership, learning, technology and different age demographics.

2.1. Children and Youth

2.1.1. Focus on inclusivity as well as adaptive and assistive technologies to support children/youth with learning disabilities and/or physical disabilities. Aim is to enhance learning and development of leadership skills via the integration of modern supportive technologies.

2.2. Adolescents and Teenagers

2.2.1. Focus is on meeting the needs and interests of this target age group and incorporating technology to support real-time, immediate feedback, online collaboration, self-directed learning, and development of leadership skills. Carry over theme of inclusivity for students with learning and/or physical disabilities. Other new themes emerged, one focused on targeting and counselling at-risk youth through the combination of technology and leadership training and another on educating the risks and opportunities of technology; digital awareness and citizenship.

2.3. Young Adults & Adults

2.3.1. Focus is on using technology to foster relationship building between students and students and the instructor in order to enhance learning and build leadership skills. Technology can provide teaching and learning strategies to adult workers in vocational and adult education, as well as other groups of underprivileged adult learners. Resources predominantly focus on using and developing transformative leadership and joint leadership skills for this age group.

2.4. Senior Citizens

2.4.1. Focus on building inclusivity and empowering seniors by building their knowledge and experience with technology. In doing so, they remain contributors in their families and larger society. New leadership roles emerge as their collective familiarity, independence and experience with technology increases.

3. Exploring trends with respect to leadership in educational reform (critical thinking) through the integration of technology.

3.1. little research on topic prior to 21st century

3.1.1. significant increase in 2009 global broadband internet social networking rise in innovative ideas to drive change in education Examples of Leaders in this movement

3.1.2. peak in 2010 online education continuing to grow

3.1.3. Multiple Critical Thinking definitions complex concept lack of universally accepted definition

3.1.4. 21st Century - agreed upon goal of education systems = develop critical thinking leadership required to make transformation

3.2. Prior to 21st Century

3.2.1. Purpose of education supply workers post industrial revolution training creative thinker was neglected

4. LRNT 513 Assignment #3 Contributors: Jeff Lee, Vicky Ford, Earl Vandahl, Kyle France, Doug Strable, Tanya Phillips, and Cindy Normore

5. The changing trends in the literature of leadership, learning and technology from the 1980's to present.

5.1. 1980's - technology is a challenge and needs to be used to intensify work. Leaders need to react to changes and direct accordingly. Cognitive research is beginning to explode.

5.2. 1990's - knowledge management is becoming popular as is decentralized management to keep up to rapidly changing trends in manufacturing. The potential for technology as an enabler is being explored

5.3. 2000's - research into learning organizations is growing and trending away from traditional leadership models to address rapidly evolving work demands. Technology has gone from a treat to a tool to a key enabler in all fields

5.4. 2010-2012 - the focus is on the empowered learner, as books are now being published to enable fulsome change as opposed to exploring new ideas. Learning is now blended, flexible and continuous

5.5. 2013-present - new paradigms of learning and leadership are being explored. The focus has shifted from assigning roles to enabling creativity. Global competitiveness means everyone needs to lead and learn all the time.

6. Mechanism and Relationship: Academic Discipline

6.1. Mutidiscipline

6.2. Inter-discipline

6.3. Trans-discipline

6.4. Cross-discipline

6.5. Top 5 disciplines

6.5.1. Business

6.5.2. Education

6.5.3. Economics

6.5.4. Engineering

6.5.5. Political Science

6.6. Intergrated Model/Theory

6.6.1. Socio-technical knowledge management (KM)

6.6.2. Distribution leadership Theory

6.6.3. Social Identity Theory

6.6.4. Leader-Member Exchange Theory

6.6.5. Transformational Leadership Theory

6.6.6. Situational leadership Theory

6.6.7. complexity leadership Theory

6.7. Theme

6.7.1. Inquiry Process

6.7.2. Action Leadership Team Discussion Managment Self-efficacy

6.7.3. Learning Interdepedent Reflective

7. How do Leadership, Learning and Technology affect conflict management?

7.1. Tranformational vs Transactional Leadership

7.1.1. transactional leaders were originally described as those who engaged in a kind of barter system, in which influence could be traded for money or favors. give and take leadership

7.1.2. Research has indicated that high performance work teams are able to use internal conflict to their advantage, while lower performing teams attempt to mitigate conflict, unwittingly  allowing it to undermine their efforts (Amason et al, 1995)

7.1.3. transformational leadership is believed to be more complex and more potent. This type of leader is described as an individual capable of using the underlying motives of those they lead to attain a higher goal.

8. Team research revealed different findings as well all have different perspectives and our individual curiosities drew us in different directions.

9. Communication

9.1. The use of technologies has helped to bridge a communication gap in the length of time people now have access to relaying information

9.2. Increased use of online social communities to build knowledege