Transformational Changes

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Transformational Changes by Mind Map: Transformational Changes

1. Learner centered

1.1. Check out

2. Facilitated instruction

2.1. (Project & Problem based learning)

3. All grade levels

4. Digital Tools

4.1. Web 2.0 tools providing the means to:

4.2. Communication, collaboration, creativity & innovation

4.3. ...critical thinking and problem solving

5. Get started!

5.1. Set the path

5.2. PD path

5.2.1. Virtual Academies

5.2.2. Face to face conversations

5.2.3. Age group discussions

5.2.4. Web 2.0 tool training

5.2.5. Google conversations

5.3. Ongoing assistance

5.3.1. Expert teams

5.3.2. Resources

6. Totally wireless

7. One to one

8. Online help