Assessment: feedback on the learning process

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Assessment: feedback on the learning process por Mind Map: Assessment: feedback on the learning process

1. Formative Assessment

1.1. regular feedback

1.2. engages in thoughtful reflection

1.3. develops capacity for self-assessement

1.4. helps to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes

2. strategies

2.1. observations

2.1.1. New vocabulary

2.2. performance assessement

2.3. process-focused assessements

2.4. selected responses

2.5. open-ended tasks

3. Summative Assessment

3.1. informs and improves students learning and the teaching process

3.2. measures understanding of the central idea

3.3. prompts students toward action

4. supportive and empowering for

4.1. students

4.2. teachers

4.3. parents

5. tools

5.1. rubrics

5.2. exemplars

5.3. checklists

5.4. anecdotal records

5.5. continuums