Integration Samurai 侍

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Integration Samurai 侍 by Mind Map: Integration Samurai 侍

1. Short-Term

1.1. Define 'demo' versus 'test'

1.1.1. Arcticause

1.1.2. Send Smith

1.1.3. QA

1.2. Explore integration possibilities

1.2.1. Facebook

1.2.2. Wordpress

1.2.3. Ning

1.2.4. Generic site / widgets

1.2.5. Specific case / API

1.3. Review integration of existing clients

1.3.1. Potential improvements

1.3.2. Poor integration Disjointed Poorly coded

1.3.3. Communicate

1.4. Review APIs

1.4.1. All functional?

1.4.2. Documentation

1.4.3. Tests

1.4.4. Examples with code (Github)

1.5. Review/improve demo

1.6. Review Widgets*

1.6.1. All functional?

1.6.2. Documentation

1.6.3. Tests

1.6.4. Examples with code (Github)

1.7. Organization

1.7.1. Aligned with Dev sprints Per-sprint goal(s) Attend status updates Tie in other teams with sprints

1.7.2. Project management Google Apps Basecamp vs. JIRA Potential to integrate with other teams Use Wildfire to mobilize clients

1.7.3. Ideas from others (internal and external) System to capture ideas (tickets/Uservoice?) Regular times to discuss potential ideas Ideas 'library'

1.7.4. Integration 'team' Monday meetings Interns

2. Ideas

2.1. Mobile

2.1.1. iOS 4 and Android

2.1.2. HQ and 'Mobile Actions'

2.1.3. SMS notifications

2.2. Twitter strategy

2.2.1. Sales

2.2.2. Marketing

2.2.3. Support

2.3. Video feature walkthroughs

2.4. Mobilization Labs as a 'client'

2.4.1. Integrate with our own website

2.4.2. Mobilize clients and and fans

2.5. Employees using Wildfire

2.6. Staging environment

2.7. How to get our logo on the 37 Signals page

2.8. Improve support

2.8.1. Company-wide involvement

2.8.2. Live support on website (Olark)

2.8.3. Review support/dev process

2.9. Analytics apps

2.9.1. iOS

2.9.2. Desktop app

2.9.3. Browser extension

2.9.4. Large screen format

2.10. Wildfire Status page

3. Objectives

3.1. Devs need to know what customers want/use

3.1.1. Analytics

3.1.2. Client feedback

3.2. Sales needs to know what to sell

3.2.1. Feature reviews

3.2.2. Wow-ing demo site(s) and integrations

3.3. Support needs to have proper support documentation

3.4. Clients need to know our product's potential

3.5. Clients need assistance integrating our software into existing properties

3.6. Clients need to be delighted when using our product

3.7. Enabling clients and partners...