[me@/My Brain/Computer skill/ ~ ]$ tree

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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[me@/My Brain/Computer skill/ ~ ]$ tree by Mind Map: [me@/My Brain/Computer skill/ ~ ]$ tree

1. Architecture

1.1. SPARC

1.2. CISCO

1.3. I386

1.4. I686

2. Platform

2.1. Solaris

2.2. FreeBSD

2.3. Red hat linux

2.4. Windows Server/NT

2.5. Windows Workstation

2.6. Symbian

3. Programming Language

3.1. Pascal

3.2. C

3.3. C++ (QT, wxWidgets)

3.4. Visual Basic 6.0

3.5. ASP

3.6. PHP (Zend Framework, CakePHP)

3.7. C#

3.8. Ada

3.9. PureBasic

3.10. Xhtml/Css

3.11. jQuery

3.12. Dojo

3.13. Javascript

3.14. Perl

3.15. Python

3.16. Ruby

3.17. Java

4. Human commucation languages

4.1. Hindi

4.2. Arabic

4.3. English

4.4. Dutch

4.5. French