Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

Information About Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix.

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Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix par Mind Map: Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

1. Problems

1.1. Voldemort Is Back

1.2. Fuge thinks dumbledore is after his job

1.3. Voldemort wants harry's phrophesy

1.4. Umbrige Wont Teach Magic

2. Setting

2.1. Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry

2.2. #4 Privit Drive Little Whigny

2.3. Ministry Of Magic

2.4. Order Of The Phoenix

3. Sad Parts

3.1. Sirius Dies

4. Happy Parts

4.1. Voldemort Doesnt win

5. Bad Parts

5.1. Voldemort is still loose

6. Characters

7. New node

8. Characters

8.1. Harry Potter

8.2. Hermiony Granger

8.3. Ron Weasley

8.4. Voldemort

8.5. Dumbledore

8.6. Dolores Umbrige

8.7. Hagrid

8.8. New node

9. Solutions

9.1. Dumbledore us reinstated to his job

9.2. Phropesy Is Broken

9.2.1. Umbrige is fired

10. Good Parts

10.1. Umbrige is fired