THESIS STATEMENT: How student retention and personal success coincide with one another

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THESIS STATEMENT: How student retention and personal success coincide with one another by Mind Map: THESIS STATEMENT:  How student retention and personal success coincide with one another

1. Student Retention

1.1. % of students dropping out /when they're dropping out

1.2. Why are students dropping out?

1.3. Effective strategies universities can implement to decrease their attrition rates

2. Personal Success

2.1. Motivation

2.1.1. How can motivation help you succeed in your academics?

2.2. Strategies to help you become a more successful online/college student

2.3. Support Strategies

3. Student Retention and Effective Strategies for Promoting Personal Success

4. Intro

5. Refrences

5.1. Heldman, Craig (2008). University Business. Building A Student Retention Program - A Challenge Worth the Effort. Cited from:

5.2. Lehman R. M., Conceição, S. C.O. (September 2013) Jossey-Bass Guides to Online Teaching and Learning : Motivating and Retaining Online Students : Research-Based Strategies That Work. John Wiley & Sons

5.3. Dembo, M. H. (2004). Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success : A Self-management Approach. (2nd Ed.). Mahwah, NJ : Taylor & Francis Ltd. 2004.

5.4. Braxton, J. M., Doyle, W. R., Hartley, H. V. (2013). Rethinking College Student Retention. John Wiley & Sons .

5.5. Overstreet, M. (2004). Assessment + Retention = Student Success. Community College Week. p.3

5.6. Wilson, L. E., Coulter, B., Lunnen, K., Mallory, J., & Williams, M. (1999). Allied Academics International Conference. Academy of Educational Leadership Proceedings. Improving Student Retention. 4 (2), 36-42.

6. Success a Factor in Student Retention

6.1. Why colleges need to empower the success of students

6.2. Explain why the more successful students are finishing school

6.3. Although everyone may look at "success" differently, my presentation will show you the why it is so important to be successful in your academics

7. Summary