Themes in 'A Clockwork Orange'
by Kelvin Furze
1. Good versus evil
2. Non Dystopian Themes
2.1. Fear
2.2. Friendship / Loyalty
2.3. Violence
2.4. opera music
2.4.1. represents that alex does have some appreciation for things other than violence
3. costumes
3.1. jelly mould
4. Loss of Freewill
4.1. the treatment thingy that alex got
4.2. Human beings are programmed to behave in certain ways
5. Loss of humanity
6. A failed attempt at Utopia
7. inhumane of the cops to take away alexs free will
8. OI
9. Dystopian Themes
9.1. The corruption of government
9.1.1. capitalisim
9.1.2. greed/ power