Test Design Techniques
by Ольга Горожеева
1. Choosing Test Techniques
1.1. Customer and product
1.1.1. customer or contractual requirements
1.1.2. documentation available
1.1.3. regulatory standards
1.1.4. time and budget
1.1.5. domain
1.2. Company and team
1.2.1. development life cycle
1.2.2. level and type of risks
1.2.3. test objective
1.2.4. knowledge of the testers
1.2.5. use case models and previous experience with types of defects found.
2. Terms to remember
2.1. test case specification
2.2. test execution schedule
2.3. test procedure specification
2.4. test script
2.5. traceability
3. Specification-based or Black-box
3.1. Characteristics
3.1.1. Models based on documentation
3.2. Equivalence Partitioning
3.3. Boundary Value Analysis
3.4. Decision Table Testing
3.5. State Transition Testing
3.6. Use Case Testing
4. Structure-based or White-box
4.1. Characteristics
4.1.1. Internal structire (code and architecture)
4.1.2. Extent of coverage
4.2. Statement Testing and Coverage
4.3. Decision Testing and Coverage
4.4. Other Structure-based Techniques: condition
5. Experience-based Techniques
5.1. Characteristics
5.1.1. knowledge and experience of people esters, developers, users and other stakeholders
5.1.2. Knowledge about likely defects and their distribution