Marketing Mix

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Marketing Mix by Mind Map: Marketing Mix

1. Price

1.1. Customers

1.1.1. Paid tours

1.1.2. Merchandise

1.2. Selling items

1.2.1. Companies pay to sell

1.2.2. Pay companies to sell

2. Promotion

2.1. Brochures

2.1.1. Company Brochure

2.1.2. Brochure of South Bank

2.2. Social Media

2.2.1. Facebook

2.2.2. Instagram

2.2.3. Twitter

2.2.4. Email

2.3. Website

2.3.1. Quick and easy

2.4. Banners

2.4.1. Company name

2.4.2. Logo

2.4.3. Contact

2.5. Survey

2.5.1. Find out what the customer wants

3. Products

3.1. Provide quick and easy service for tourists

3.1.1. Tours

3.1.2. Merchandise

3.1.3. Calling Service

3.1.4. Face to Face services

3.2. Sell items on behalf of other companies

3.2.1. Partnering with companies

4. People

4.1. Staff

4.1.1. Owner/ Staff

4.2. Customers

4.2.1. Tourists International

4.2.2. Companies Interstate International Local

4.3. Advertising companies

4.3.1. Transport

4.3.2. Hotels