Business Startup Information

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Business Startup Information por Mind Map: Business Startup Information

1. Business Administration

1.1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship

1.2. Small Business Administration

1.3. Countdown to Startup

1.4. Outsource/Consulting

1.4.1. RentaCoder

1.4.2. eLance

1.5. Startup Venture Toolbox

2. Startup Advice

2.1. Business 2.0: Bulletproof Startup

2.2. Small Business Resources, Advice, and Forms

2.3. High-Growth Startup Business Development

2.4. Startup School

2.4.1. 2006 Notes

2.4.2. 2005

2.5. 10 Stupid Mistakes Made By The Newly Self-Employed

2.6. Tips for Startup Companies

2.7. Paul Graham: Ideas for Startups

2.8. From the Web 2.0 Trenches: How to Build Real Businesses

2.9. Adam's Advice and Reading List for High Tech Startup Entrepeneurs

2.10. The Secrets of Creating and Growing an Online Business

2.11. Boompa Launch Postmortem

2.12. The Cost of Bootstrapping Your App

2.13. Don't Blow Your Beta

2.14. Open Source VCs Answer Questions

3. Books

3.1. 10 Day MBA

3.2. Definitive Business Plan, Second Edition

3.3. Harvard Business Online

3.4. Go It Alone

3.5. PersonalMBA

4. Notable Personalities

4.1. Guy Kawasaki

4.2. Paul Graham

4.3. Bill Karr

4.3.1. From LinkSV

4.4. Paul Allen (the lesser)

4.5. Seth Godin

4.6. Josh Kaufman

5. Intellectual Property

5.1. Trademarks

5.1.1. Trademark Search Thomson Compumark

5.2. Patents

5.2.1. Inventors Handbook

6. Investment

6.1. Venture Capital

6.1.1. 75 Blog Post to Read Before Talking to a VC

6.1.2. Venture Capital Basics

6.2. Presentation

6.2.1. Paul Graham: How to Present to Investors

6.2.2. Top 5 Points an Angel Investor Wants to Hear

6.3. Sites

6.3.1. Funding Universe Matches angel investors and entrepreneurs

6.3.2. LinkSV - Link Silicon Valley

6.4. Paul Graham: How to fund a startup

6.5. Bootstrapping

6.5.1. Bootstrapping a business

7. Business Plan

7.1. Sample Plans



7.1.3. Sprout It - Small Pitch

7.2. Product Development

7.2.1. Product Development Body Of Knowledge

7.3. How to NOT write a business plan

7.4. Guide to Writing a Business Plan

7.5. - Creating a Great Business Plan

7.6. Plan Writers

7.6.1. Venture Archetypes

8. Business Model

8.1. Getting the Business Model Right

8.2. Business Models on the Web

8.3. QuickMBA: Role of the Business Model

8.4. Pricing

8.4.1. Giving Your Software Away For Free

8.4.2. Camels and Rubber Duckies