1. Galaxies
1.1. The Milky Way
1.1.1. Diameter: 100,000 ly
1.1.2. Distance: 0 ly
1.2. Andromeda
1.2.1. Diameter: 220,000 ly
1.2.2. Distance: 2.5 million ly
1.3. LMC
1.3.1. Diameter: 14,000 ly
1.3.2. Distance: 158,000 ly
1.4. Cigar Galaxy
1.4.1. Diameter: 37,000 ly
1.4.2. Distance: 11.5 million ly
1.5. Sombrero Galaxy
1.5.1. Diameter: 50,000 ly
1.5.2. Distance: 29,350,000 ly
2. Theories
2.1. The Theory of Relativity
2.1.1. Special Relativity the laws of physics are identical in all non accelerating frames of reference the speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers regardless of motion of the light source
2.1.2. General Relativity the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation is present
2.2. Conspiracy Theories
2.2.1. The lunar landing in 1969 was a hoax.
2.2.2. Lucifer Project A plot to turn Jupiter into another sun
2.2.3. A nuclear explosion wiped off life on Mars
2.2.4. There's an extra planet in our solar system called Planet X
3. Stars
3.1. The Sun
3.1.1. Solar Flares
3.1.2. 5,778 K (27,000,000 F°)
3.2. Dwarf
3.2.1. White Dwarf
3.2.2. Red Dwarf
3.3. Constellations
3.3.1. Orion's Belt
3.3.2. Gemini
3.3.3. Pisces
4. Planets
4.1. Inner Planets
4.1.1. Mercury
4.1.2. Venus
4.1.3. Earth
4.1.4. Mars
4.2. Outer Planets
4.2.1. Jupiter
4.2.2. Saturn
4.2.3. Uranus
4.2.4. Neptune
4.3. Dwarf Planets
4.3.1. Pluto
4.3.2. Ceres
4.3.3. Makemake
4.3.4. Eris
4.3.5. Haumer