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Amp'd by Mind Map: Amp'd

1. Gaming

1.1. GTM

1.2. Research

1.2.1. $14.1B Globally in 2010

1.2.2. 21% Annual Growth

1.2.3. 43% prefer PayPal†

1.2.4. N. American Women >25 spend most†

1.2.5. Social Networking games top genre for spending during past 12 months†

1.3. Legacy Leads

1.3.1. Zynga (Jeff)

1.3.2. EA (Jeff)

1.3.3. Sony (Jeff)

1.4. Target Leads

1.4.1. PopCap Games

1.5. To-do

1.5.1. Intro deck for gaming

1.5.2. Standardized agreement

1.5.3. Formalize incentive policies

1.6. Useful Contacts

1.6.1. Patrick Kennedy

1.6.2. Phil Yerkes

1.6.3. Brenda Ng

1.6.4. Jamal Lacour

1.7. Demo

2. Music

2.1. GTM

2.2. Research

2.2.1. Digital music will surpass physical distribution in 2011

2.2.2. WW Revenue $8B (2009); $7B 2011

2.3. Legacy Leads

2.3.1. Rhapsody (Jeff)

2.3.2. Rdio (Jeff)

2.3.3. DIY Media (Jeff)

2.4. Target Leads

2.4.1. Shazam

2.4.2. Soundhound

2.5. To-do

2.6. Useful Contacts

2.6.1. Trey Many

2.6.2. Ashley Highfield

2.7. Demo

3. Video

3.1. GTM

3.2. Research

3.2.1. Hulu Revenue = $200-$250mm (2010)

3.2.2. 30B videos watched in April, 2010

3.2.3. 83.5% of the total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video during April, 2010

3.2.4. VoD = $8.4B globally in 2014

3.3. Legacy Leads

3.4. Target Leads

3.4.1. Boxee

3.4.2. Hulu

3.4.3. Plex

3.4.4. LongTail Video

3.5. To-do

3.5.1. Investigate Python XBMC plug-in to AMZN Content

3.5.2. Investigate IMDB monetization

3.6. Useful Contacts

3.6.1. Patrick Kennedy

3.6.2. Mike Butcher

3.6.3. Jamal Lacour

3.6.4. Union Square Ventures

3.6.5. Andy Liu

3.6.6. David Cronshaw

3.7. Demo

4. Mobile

4.1. GTM

4.2. Research

4.2.1. Mobile Video = $3.4B in 2014

4.2.2. 14% of US mobile users listened to music on their phones in May, 2010

4.2.3. 20.8% of US mobile users visited a social networking site; 22.5% played games; and 30% used apps in May, 2010

4.3. Legacy Leads

4.4. Target Leads

4.4.1. Rhodes

4.4.2. JQTouch

4.4.3. XUI

4.5. Useful Contacts

4.5.1. Chris Burke

4.5.2. Chris Roberts

4.5.3. Melissa

4.6. To-do

4.6.1. Investigate Amazon Payments deployments on iOS and Android

4.7. Demo