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Minerals by Mind Map: Minerals

1. Properties

1.1. Hardness

1.1.1. On a scale from 1-10

1.1.2. Moh's hardness scale

1.2. Transparency

1.2.1. Transparent

1.2.2. Translucent

1.2.3. Opaque

1.3. Luster

1.3.1. Brilliant

1.3.2. Glassy

1.3.3. Dull

1.4. Crystal Shape

1.4.1. Octhehedron

1.4.2. Cube

1.4.3. Rhombohedron

1.4.4. Tetrahedron

1.5. Size

1.5.1. Varies between minerals.

1.6. Mass

1.6.1. Varies between minerals.

1.7. Volume

1.7.1. Varies between minerals.

1.8. Color

1.8.1. Varies between Minerals

2. Found in Rocks...Mineral Examples w/ hardness

2.1. Gold

2.1.1. 2.5-3

2.2. Diamonds

2.2.1. Hardness: 10

2.3. Silver

2.3.1. 3

2.4. Copper

2.4.1. 4

3. Tests...

3.1. Acid Test

3.1.1. Tells if the mineral bubbles...

3.2. Luster Test

3.2.1. Try to reflect light off sample.

3.3. Color Test

3.3.1. Observe what color the mineral is.

3.4. Transparency Test

3.4.1. Try to read through mineral.

3.5. Hardness Test

3.5.1. Moh's...See nor in properties. See if it scratches copper...

3.6. Streak Test

3.6.1. See if mineral leaves a streak.

3.7. Mass Test

3.7.1. Put the mineral on a mass measuring tool.

3.8. Volume Test

3.8.1. See how much the water goes up in a cylinder.

3.9. Light Refraction Test

3.9.1. Read word through mineral...1 or 2 images.

4. Definition

4.1. Minerals means: A solid substance of natural occurrence. They are always found in rocks!

5. Examples...

5.1. Gold

5.2. Dimaond

5.3. Aluminum

5.4. Iron

5.5. Copper

5.6. Flourite

6. Geologists

6.1. Geologists study rocks which includes minerals.

7. Rocks

7.1. Kinds of Rocks

7.1.1. Igneous Is formed by the cooling of magma.

7.1.2. Metamorphic Is how rocks change by heat and pressure from deep under the Earth's surface.

7.1.3. Sedimentary Is formed by dead plants over time collecting together to create a rock.

7.2. Examples...

7.2.1. Coal Is a Sedimentary

7.2.2. Marble Is a Metamorphic...

7.2.3. Fossils... Is a Sedimentary...

7.2.4. Kimberlite Is a Igneous

7.2.5. Gneiss Metamorphic

7.2.6. Obsidian Igneuos