Rocks and Minerals

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Rocks and Minerals by Mind Map: Rocks and Minerals

1. Shape

1.1. The shapes of minerals can be any shape but here are some of the famous ones. Tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, and rhombohedron.

2. Minerals

2.1. gold

2.1.1. silver

2.2. diamond

2.2.1. quartz

3. Metamorphic

3.1. It is formed by heat and presure

4. Igneous

4.1. Is formed by the cooling of magma

5. Sedimentary

5.1. Is formed by compacted dead plants and rock particles

6. Metamorphic rocks

6.1. Marble and quartzite

7. Luster

7.1. How shinny the mineral is

8. Properties

8.1. Color

8.2. Transparency

8.3. Luster

8.4. Hardness

8.5. Streak Color

8.6. Reaction with acid

8.7. Light Refraction

9. What is a Mineral

9.1. A mineral is solid natural substance.

10. Rocks

10.1. Minerals are found in rocks.

11. Rock

11.1. metamorphic

11.1.1. igneous sedimentary

12. Igneous rocks

12.1. Obsidian and granite

13. Sedimentary rocks

13.1. Sandstone and limestone

14. Transparency

14.1. Opaque

14.1.1. Transparent Translusent