PH5 -Fields, forces and nuclei

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PH5 -Fields, forces and nuclei da Mind Map: PH5 -Fields, forces and nuclei

1. Fields

1.1. Electrostatic

1.2. Gravitational

2. Energy

2.1. Binding energy

2.2. Fission and fusion

2.3. Nuclear Reactors

3. Probing Matter

3.1. Scattering

3.2. X-ray diffraction

4. Magnetic effects of currents

4.1. B fields

4.2. The Ampere

4.3. Measuring magnetic field strengths

4.4. Electromagnetic induction

4.5. Self inductance

5. Ionising radiation

5.1. Radioactive decay

5.2. Half-life

5.3. Applications

5.4. Hazards and safety precautions